Recognizing Burnout: A Primary Care Physician’s Journey to Recovery with Dr. Amna Shabbir

Highlights from this episode include:

  • Taking a break from work can make a huge difference in preventing burnout
  • Setting boundaries in your practice can help you prioritize self-care and prevent burnout
  • Finding the right coach can be life-changing for physicians who are dealing with burnout


Have you felt burnt out in a field you once thought would be more fulfilling than exhausting? The medical field has its unique rewards, but it’s no secret that it can also be quite challenging and emotionally draining. With long days, high-stress levels, and endless demands, it’s no wonder that burnout has become a growing problem for many healthcare practitioners. Don’t worry; you’re not alone!


In episode 24 of the Life, Love, and Leadership for Physicians podcast, Dr. Amna Shabbir, a primary care physician who experienced burnout and moral injury, discusses her journey to recovery and her experience in coaching. Dr. Shabbir emphasizes the importance of recognizing personal limitations, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care to prevent burnout in the healthcare industry.


Dr. Amna Shabbir is a Double Board Certified Physician (Internal Medicine and Geriatrics), Integrative Wellness, and Life Coach. As the proud owner of Amna Shabbir Wellness Coaching LLC, she helps busy professionals and healthcare workers prioritize their wellness to find joy and fulfillment. With a personal journey of burnout and moral injury, Dr. Shabbir uses a holistic approach in coaching to provide personalized support to clients, enabling them to shift their mindset and achieve their goals.


What contributes to burnout?

Burnout among primary care physicians is caused by a combination of personal and systemic issues, including the pressure to excel, lack of support, and moral injury. It’s not easy to recognize initially, but understanding the contributing factors can help physicians and healthcare systems prevent and manage burnout effectively. By prioritizing self-care and seeking help when needed, physicians can continue providing excellent care to patients without sacrificing their well-being.


How can you balance work and your day-to-day life?

Burnout among physicians is a significant problem, particularly for those who are dedicated to their profession and also have parenting responsibilities. Dr. Amna Shabbir is also a mother who shares her thoughts on practicing medicine. She believes that more organizations should be open to the idea of part-time work or taking time off when necessary and that normalizing these alternatives can contribute to sustainability.


While balancing work and parenting can be challenging, seeking help and acknowledging your best efforts can make a significant difference. It is essential to give yourself grace and be kind. Working part-time has worked well for some individuals in terms of allowing them to be present parents, but everyone’s situation is unique.


If you are experiencing burnout and considering coaching, it is recommended to identify what type of assistance you require. Ask yourself, “Do I need assistance with my workflow, clinic, relationships, leadership, or wellness?” Then, explore options and be open to self-discovery and curiosity.


Physician burnout is a serious issue, but there are ways to balance work and parenting. These ways include normalizing part-time work and seeking help when needed. If you are struggling, consider seeking help from a coach, and remember to give yourself credit for all your hard work!


Tips to stop burnout in its tracks

  1. Recognize burnout. If you’re struggling with burnout, remember that it can happen gradually and may be difficult to recognize. Don’t underestimate its impact on you, regardless of how strong or resilient you believe yourself to be. Don’t hesitate to seek support or take time to reflect on how you’re feeling. If you find yourself relying on external motivation to make it through the day, it may be a sign that burnout is happening.

  3. Understanding that not all self-help material will cure burnout. Simply knowing is not enough; one must also have an understanding and be able to apply it. The first step towards change was consuming content featuring physicians in similar situations, which provided healing. However, examining internal reflections and limiting beliefs with someone was necessary for implementing this change into one’s unique life.

  5. Pause and reflect. Primary care physicians are noble individuals who intentionally entered a difficult field. Starting is complex, and the red tape can be overwhelming. It’s essential to pause and reflect on what’s happening. Take five minutes to jot down your thoughts in a notes app and reflect on the conveyor belt loop of life. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, recognizing it is the first step towards making a change.

  7. Setting boundaries is crucial. Recognizing what you’re doing that contributes to burnout is the second step. It’s easy to feel like nothing is in our control and we’re victims of a flawed system, but it’s important to recognize that change begins with ourselves. Setting boundaries is crucial. This can be divided into four parts: time, tasks, in-basket hygiene, and communication. Communicating clearly with patients about their appointment times and delegating specific tasks to support staff or setting aside dedicated time for them can help alleviate the workload. Recognizing our limits and understanding that we only have 24 hours in a day is also essential. Having a process and system in place can save time and energy.

  9. Have a conversation with your leadership team. If you’re looking to advocate for more time, a scribe, or admin time to do the work that needs to be done, start by checking in with yourself and your biases. Believe that leadership wants to help you and go into the conversation with structure and facts. Request a face-to-face meeting to brainstorm and discuss what help is needed. Give and take has to go both ways, so emphasize the need for support while pointing out how you can be more productive with their help. Consider requesting periodic in-person visits from leadership, and advocate for physician-led leadership with coaching support.

What role do boundaries play in preventing burnout among primary care physicians?

Listen and learn more about how to lead through change in episode 24 of the Life, Love, and Leadership for Physicians podcast.


It’s time to prioritize your well-being, too. Don’t wait until you reach the point of burnout — recognize the warning signs and take action early. Seek out help, whether it’s through coaching, talking to a mentor or therapist, or simply setting clear boundaries. Listen and learn more about recognizing and overcoming burnout in episode 24 of the Life, Love, and Leadership for Physicians podcast.


Mentioned Resources:

Connect with Dr. Amna Shabbir:

Connect with Dr. Rachel:

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