Overcoming the Habit of Taking Things Personally: Insights for Physicians and Leaders

Highlights from this episode include:

  • The psychology behind taking things personally
  • How this shows up and impacts our lives, relationships, and leadership abilities
  • How to break the cycle of taking things personally


Have you ever interpreted someone’s words or actions as a direct and personal attack, even though it wasn’t meant to be? If we allow this tendency of taking things personally to become a habitual way of interpreting the world around us, it can hinder our well-being and growth.

In episode 22 of the Life, Love, and Leadership for Physicians podcast, we explore the effects of takings things personally. You’ll learn why this commonly happens, how it impacts our personal and professional lives, and how to overcome this mentality to become better leaders, partners, and people.

Why do we take things personally?

Taking things personally is a common human tendency influenced by psychological factors like self-esteem, cognitive distortion and personalization, past experiences and trauma, attachment styles, emotional sensitivity, and our cultural or social background. These factors can interact uniquely with each individual, contributing to the tendency to take things personally. 

Understanding the psychology behind this is the first step towards managing this inclination, and it helps us see that when we take things personally, it says more about us and our mindset than the intentions of others.

How does this appear in our personal lives, relationships, and leadership?

Constantly taking things personally can have significant consequences in our personal lives. It can erode our self-esteem and self-image, leaving us feeling inadequate and unworthy. Over time, this chronic perception of being under attack can lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression, and we may change our behaviors and avoid certain situations or people to escape perceived criticism.

Misinterpreting a loved one’s words or actions can cause unnecessary stress and conflict. Over time, this can create a toxic environment where your partner may feel like they’re walking on eggshells and refrain from expressing their feelings freely, fearing how we may react. This can also impact the trust and intimacy we share with those we love.

As a leader, your decisions have significant implications, and the feedback you receive can feel like a direct hit to your self-esteem. Reacting defensively to criticism can cloud our judgment, leading to emotional decision-making and compromising our effectiveness as a leader. If we cannot separate feedback from personal criticism, we may miss valuable growth opportunities.

Tips to overcome taking things personally

  1. Become self-aware. Recognize when you’re taking something personally and try to understand why. Once we know why, it can help us challenge these patterns.
  2. Cultivate a growth mindset. You’ll only improve if you’re willing to grow and evolve your leadership skills.
  3. Improve your emotional intelligence and empathy. This will help to manage your reactions and understand different perspectives.
  4. Learn to handle criticism. This includes taking a moment before reacting, seeking clarification if something’s unclear, and recognizing feedback as a tool for improvement.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • The psychology behind taking things personally
  • How this shows up and impacts our lives, relationships, and leadership abilities
  • How to break the cycle of taking things personally

Be patient with yourself, celebrate your small victories, and keep moving forward. Remember, it’s not always about you. Listen and learn more about the effects of taking things personally in episode 22 of the Life, Love, and Leadership for Physicians podcast.

Mentioned Resources:

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Are you a physician ready to take control of your future to create a fulfilling life? Look no further than the Life, Love, and Leadership for Physicians podcast!

Hosted by Dr. Rachel Miller, a physician who understands the unique challenges and struggles of the medical field, this show is here to help you navigate your career and personal life as a physician.

Each week, Dr. Rachel shares her expertise, knowledge, personal experiences, and interviews with experts, offering strategies and tips that you can apply to your specific situation. 

But this isn’t just another career advice podcast-it’s a space for doctors to connect, find support, and be inspired as they create their path towards a fulfilling future. 

You will learn to prioritize your needs and invest in yourself beyond caring for others.  Whether you are a practicing physician or are in leadership or entrepreneurship, this is for you. Tune in and join Dr. Rachel on the journey toward a more exciting and rewarding future. 

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